Gourmet Pickled Vegetables

Gourmet Pickled Vegetables


To calculate your order's shipping charges, please refer to the Retail Order Shipping Rates tab at the bottom of each page of our website.

Discounts Available!!  We offer a 10% discount on orders of $45.00 to $79.99 and a 15% discount on orders of $80.00 or more. You are welcome to mix or match items.  All items must be shipped to one address in one shipment.  Your discount is automatically applied.

Yeehah! We are delighted to announce the return of our Atomic Mushrooms to the Black Sheep flock of products!  Our Dill-a-Peño Spicy Pickle Chips are making their online store debut as well.  Both pickled products are customer favorites from our Farmers Market days and we are pleased to offer them once again. 

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